Thursday, May 10, 2012

Red Sox Spring Training infield drills

Although, I have not always been a Red Sox fan, I found this video of the Red Sox Spring training last year.  I just enjoyed how smooth and under control Adrian Gonzalez and Big Poppy move.  When you practice work to find that comfort level and control.  Get as many ground balls as you can in each practice and make sure you stay sharp.

Texas Rangers infield drills

I found this the other day and it really shows hard players work to make the routine play look easy.  Every day players work on just the basic skills then progress to the more difficult plays.  However, you must make the routine play consistently and get that out.  The hard plays start to come naturally with all the hard work but it still takes at least one hundred ground balls for each one you will see in a game.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A new way of working your infield!

Here is a clip from the 2011 Diamond backs spring training camp.  Two coaches, one left handed, the other right handed are in the batters box. Another coach underhands baseballs alternately to each and the coaches hit groundballs and line drives to the position players.  In my opinion, you can get work more done in a shorter period and the players can react to "live" hitters.  Simple fungoes are great pre-game but this drill can work all aspects of infield play.  Try it!

Fair or Foul??

This is Brandon Inge, newly signed by the A's, watching the flight of the ball to see if it fair or foul.  It was fair and a grand slam homerun to win the game!  I love the anticipation cause it could have easily gone the other way.

4 Homeruns in one game

Last night, Josh Hamilton connected for 4 homeruns for 18 total bases.  He hit the ball all over Camden Yards in a 10-3 win.  The first thing I noticed is the consistency of all four hits.  He has a hitch but gets it all back together prior to making contact.  He is so strong that he goes to all fields with power.  Congratulations Josh!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

YouTube catchers drills

There are a great number of videos on YouTube that can help your game.  Visitors and fans post their videos of spring training drills that can really help your game as well as your practices.   Here is a great one from this year at the Marlins camp.  Kyle Skipworth played with the Greensboro Grasshoppers in 2009 and 2010.  The drills are used to make the catchers "soften" their hands and receive the ball cleanly.
One of Kevin Long's works in progress that epitomizes the hard work that goes into hitting.  During the 2009 Playoffs, Nick Swisher struggled big time.  He worked with Kevin between games and got Swisher to square up his body in relation to the pitcher. Nick got hot and helped the Yankees to their 27th World Championship.

Here you see the hands in tight to the body, back knee turning inward, the head still, top hand up, bottom hand down. I will try to find a picture of his stance prior to the swing to show being square.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Kevin "Cage Rat" Long, New York Yankees

Back in 2009, I had the extraordinary opportunity to attend the Pro-Ball camp in Arizona.  Pro-Ball was created by Dr. John Rubinow for amateur baseball players to get real professional training.  It is a great camp and every coach is the best.  If you want to learn, they want to teach.  In about 30 minutes, Kevin Long had made minor changes to my swing that had a great impact.  He loves the game and he loves sharing his love of baseball and hitting.  Over the next several entries, Ii want to review some of his points on hitting,  Remember, all the credit goes to him.

Finally!! Albert's First Homerun of 2012

Yesterday, Albert Pujols got his first homerun of the season.  The pressure is still on but at least he is off the schneid!!  Also remember that Roger Maris hit only his third homerun on May 6th, 1961 and he ended up with 61 dingers.   Look for Albert to get hot soon..

Friday, May 4, 2012

???The End of an Era???

Could it be over? Just like that?  The greatest closer injured during batting practice?  This is a great psychological blow to the Yankees but mostly I feel bad for Mo.  Here's to you Mo!  Get well soon.

A little disagreement

No one is going to see eye to eye on every situation but I love to see the passion of the manager facing off with the steadfast arbiter of the rules.

As we have found out recently, the men in dark blue do not always get it right but they do it better than I would in the same situation.

A little disagreement can go a long ways.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Like so many fans, I cannot wait for Spring Training.  As a player, I love that work and practice that goes in to being a baseball player.  Working on the skills of hitting, fielding and running are so much more fun when it is organized and with purpose.  Here are some pictures of past spring training camps that show some of the hard work that goes into being a professional baseball player:

Turning the double play

Turning the Double Play from the 2nd base side is on of the most difficult feats on the diamond.
The 2nd basemen has to get to the base earlier and be ready for any type of throw. Stepping towards the throw with opposite foot on the bag, the 2nd baseman cannot think about the runner bearing down on him.  Getting at least one out is the key to the play. Making a smooth transfer of the ball to the throwing hand then lets the 2nd baseman make a strong throw to first.  Notice in the pictures that the basemen are ignoring the runners and concentrating on the throw.  6-4-3.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Grabbin' seams

Sounds nasty doesn't it!  Here is David Wright of the Mets making an off balance throw to first.  Notice he has his whole right hand around the baseball.  He is trying to "grab" as many of the seams on the baseball to insure an accurate throw.  Coaches will teach catchers, infielders and outfielders to throw a baseball across the 4 seams to keep it from tailing and to bounce true.  In this case, Wright has to grab as many of the seams on the baseball quickly and is almost throwing off balance with a "change-up" grip.  As the ball leaves his hand he will have to compensate for the angle of his body to the first baseman and throw a little left of the bag.  This will bring the ball around to the first baseman and get the runner.  So the next time you are throwing the baseball make sure you are "grabbin' seams".